Apache TomEE 8.0.8 Release Notes
Dependency upgrade
TOMEE-2990 BatchEE 0.6
TOMEE-3750 BatchEE 1.0.0
TOMEE-2987 CXF 3.4.3
TOMEE-3756 HSQLDB 2.3.4
TOMEE-3772 JUnit 4.13.2
TOMEE-3734 Johnzon 1.2.11
TOMEE-3755 Johnzon 1.2.13
TOMEE-3770 Johnzon 1.2.14
TOMEE-3732 MyFaces 2.3.9
TOMEE-3753 OpenJPA 3.2.0
TOMEE-2997 OpenSAML V3.4.6
TOMEE-2809 OpenWebBeans 2.0.22
TOMEE-2998 Tomcat 9.0.45
TOMEE-3760 Tomcat 9.0.48
TOMEE-3773 Tomcat 9.0.50
TOMEE-3787 Tomcat 9.0.52
TOMEE-2939 bcprov-jdk15on 1.67
TOMEE-3765 bountycastle 1.69
TOMEE-3764 commons-dbcp 2.3.0
TOMEE-3759 commons-io 2.10.0
TOMEE-2972 latest OWB version run on Java16
TOMEE-2988 xbean 4.18+ (Java 16 support)
New Feature
TOMEE-3730 Add JSONP and JSONB Providers JAX-RS Client
TOMEE-2365 Implement Java EE Security API from EE 8
TOMEE-2966 Provide a pure JUnit5 OpenEJB Extension
TOMEE-2977 Provide a ApplicationComposer JUnit 5 Extension
TOMEE-2993 API pom for each TomEE distribution
TOMEE-3774 Problems with master branch in Windows 10
TOMEE-3731 Remove non-compliant JAX-RS Provider sorting
TOMEE-2125 Datasource config: MaxWait, timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis and MinEvictableIdleTimeMillis are ignored
TOMEE-3727 Ensure java.io.File is not seen as a JSONB serializable type
TOMEE-3728 Ensure java.io.Reader is not seen as a JSONB serializable type
TOMEE-3729 Do not scan classpath for @Provider when there is a JAX-RS Application
TOMEE-2968 Postgres connection error when a password contains "}"
TOMEE-3740 Fix Test Failures in "openejb-core" introduced during TCK work
TOMEE-3743 TomEEJsonbProvider not registered anymore as of TomEE 8.0.7? Causes failing REST-services.
TOMEE-3739 Fix JAX-RS landscape / regressions introduced during TCK Work
TOMEE-3752 Field injection of @Resource WebServiceContext fails when endpoint uses CDI interceptor
TOMEE-2975 Download page must provide sigs for all release artifacts
TOMEE-3718 Missing mime mappings
TOMEE-2957 Fix OWASP Checks on ASF Jenkins Environment
TOMEE-2974 CI Build Environment ISO-8859-1 versus UTF-8
TOMEE-2973 TomEE :: Examples :: JSF2/CDI/BV/JPA/DeltaSpike uses too old version of commons-lang3
TOMEE-2976 Provide Examples for TomEE Arquillian with JUnit 5
TOMEE-2705 TomEE Plus BOM
TOMEE-3761 Jakarta Security example with custom identity store
TOMEE-2704 TomEE Plume BOM
TOMEE-2703 TomEE WebProfile BOM
TOMEE-2702 TomEE MicroProfile BOM
TOMEE-2995 Support constructor injection of JAX-RS Application
TOMEE-2994 JAX-RS Provider construction favors constructor with the most args
TOMEE-3758 Jakarta Security example with tomcat-users.xml identity store
TOMEE-2992 [Certification/TCK] Tomcat Callback handler not consistent with authenticator
TOMEE-3140 Jakarta EE 9.1 TCK Failures
TOMEE-3721 Remove dependencies between tomee-webapp modules
TOMEE-2967 Translate to Spanish: examples/xa-datasource
TOMEE-2964 Translate to Portuguese: examples/serverless-tomee-webprofile