NOTE: for simplicity the prefix `org.apache.tomee.jul.handler.rotating.LocalFileHandler.` has been removed of name columns.
| Name | Default Value | Description
| filenamePattern | ${catalina.base}/logs/logs.%s.%03d.log | where log files are created, it uses String.format() and gives you the date and file number - in this order.
| limit | 10 Megabytes | limit size indicating the file should be rotated
| dateCheckInterval | 5 seconds | how often the date should be computed to rotate the file (don't do it each time for performances reason, means you can get few records of next day in a file name with current day)
| bufferSize | -1 bytes | if positive the in memory buffer used to store data before flushing them to the disk
| encoding | - | file encoding
| level | ALL | level this handler accepts
| filter | - | filter used to check if the message should be logged
| formatter | java.util.logging.SimpleFormatter | formatter used to format messages
| archiveDirectory | ${catalina.base}/logs/archives/ | where compressed logs are put.
| archiveFormat | gzip | zip or gzip.
| archiveOlderThan | -1 days | how many days files are kept before being compressed
| purgeOlderThan | -1 days | how many days files are kept before being deleted, note: it applies on archives and not log files so 2 days of archiving and 3 days of purge makes it deleted after 5 days.
| compressionLevel | -1 | In case of zip archiving the zip compression level (-1 for off or 0-9).
| formatterPattern | - | SimpleFormatter pattern (ignored if formatter is provided).
| formatterLocale | - | Locale to use.
NOTE: archiving and purging are done only when a file is rotated, it means it can be ignored during days if there is no logging activity.
NOTE: archiving and purging is done in a background thread pool, you can configure the number of threads in thanks to
`org.apache.tomee.jul.handler.rotating.BackgroundTaskRunner.threads` property in `conf/`.
Default is 2 which should be fine for most applications.